
In the beginning...

April 2022

First signs of infrastructure going in by RAS members. Look closely, some shoots peeking through the soil 

So in April we started to see a lot of sheds, structures, bed and irrigation systems being installed. Very quickly the plots were defined with paths and even a few shoots that weren't weeds started to pop through the soil. We received our first delivery of water with now means there is no excuses anymore, we are all allotmenteers!

We made our goal set back in December to have our plots ready to plant by April, we did it!!

May 2022

May, perfect growing weather! Rain, sun, rain, sun, allotment owners dream. Oh and finally, no more mountain of waste. Was a very tight squeeze but the driver was the best driver in the west!

Kids Club

New Storage

New Drive & Access

March 2023 - Let it snow!

Fruit & Veg of our Labour

Drone Footage